A Boon for Morecambe
In truth Morecambe Mark Lodge installation had some sad poignant moments.
Pictured from left to right, are; Ken Boon and Peter Jackson.
This started with the trip along the prom where the plinth holding the statue of Eric Morecambe was vacant owing to someone tried to steal it.
Pictured from left to right, are; Special representative Stuart Brackstone, Ron Gibson and Geoff Bury.
In the lodge the first business after opening was to pay tribute to departed merit in respect of lodge stalwart and IPM Tom Reaney who had passed away in June. It is true that no one is irreplaceable but Tom’s passing leaves a big hole to fill.
As a result of ill health Senior Warden Geoff Needham was sadly unable to ascend to the principal office as would have happened in the normal course of events.
Pictured from left to right, are; Brian Davey and Michael Cole.
However with Peter Jackson having agreed to remain in post for a further twelve months Morecambe Mark Lodge has found a silver lining in the cloud. Peter has proved a very eager and capable master and is looking forward to the prospect of another year in the chair with great relish. He has promised some new initiatives but at present is keeping these under his hat.
Making his debut as a representative of the PGM was Grand Steward Ken Boon. Although a fore-shortened ceremony there was still much to enjoy, especially the work of Geoff Bury and Ron Gibson in delivering the addresses to the Overseers and Wardens respectively.
Pictured from left to right, are; Keith Lamb, Malcolm Cambidge and Alan Gregory
Whilst congratulating Peter on behalf of the PGM Ken also asked that the best wishes of the PGM be passed on to Geoff.
Ken was made to sing for his supper in undertaking the address to the Brethren and, as might be expected from the Provincial Deputy DC, it was done with warmth, confidence and clarity. Those words also describe his response to the toast to the health of the Grand Officers.
Secretary Malcolm Cambidge had been as efficient as usual in organising things whilst DC Keith Lamb and his assistant Alan Gregory made sure the ceremonial side of things progressed in good order.
A Grand Mark Lodge certificate having been received for Michael Cole former special representative Brian Davey was called upon to explain it prior to Peter presenting it.
A very agreeable festive board completed proceedings as Brethren enjoyed not only the occasion and but also, and perhaps just as importantly, the company they found themselves in.
Article and Photographs courtesy of Dave Sear.